Thursday, July 10, 2008

Childrens Orphanage

The drive through Nairobi took its toll on me and I was worn out. My throat was sore and my body was weak. I thought it best to take a break. Tom Marlin felt the same way so he stayed back as well. The rest of the crew visited a local orphanage. I had Michael take photos so I could see for myself what I missed. This day was cherished for my quiet time and rest. Things were going by so fast, I had little time to absorb what I was going through. To clear my mind I prayed that morning and had a quiet time before I went back to sleep. It was the only thing I could do to regroup. When I awoke I took some time to organize photos and send email to Beth. I could only chat with her online in the mornings and evenings. Since we were 8hrs different in time.

From the photos I saw, the orphanage trip was another success. The children were mostly products of aids parents. Both parents were gone because of the disease, so the child had nowhere to go. Our group was introduced to the children and they played together dancing and singing. We also gave out more caps and candy. As always that seemed to make them very happy.

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