Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Flight Schedule

Hi Everyone,
Our new tickets have been booked. Our return date has changed from the 15th to the 16th to save $150 per ticket. The departure date remains the same.

June 30 Jackson/Detroit NW 2979 9:15a-12.31p
Detroit/Amsterdam NW 40 4:04p-5:55a
July 1 Amsterdam/Nairobi KL 565 10:15a-7:10p

July 15 Nairobi/Amsterdam KL 566 10:15p-5:30a
July 16 Amsterdam/Detroit NW 39 8:00a-10:35a
Detroit/Jackson NW 2980 3:10p-4:35p

Tickets are currently $2,208. Like I said before, I think the church
has raised enough money to offset the cost of the increase in the plane
tickets. We have until mid-May to purchase the tickets.

Hope you have a good rest of the week.


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