Dear Friends,
You are receiving this letter because I want to inform you of some exciting news. I am not sure where to start, however, as you can see by the letterhead, you know it has something to do with a mission to Kenya.
Through the years, our church has sponsored short term missions to Kenya, Africa. A few of our church members and other volunteers go to Kenya to build churches and much needed school classrooms. Even though I would admire and support their acts of faith and service, it never crossed my mind that I might go. As usual God works in mysterious ways, and Michael, my 14 yr old son, was touched by the church’s efforts. He asked Beth and I if he could go on the next trip in 2008. Amazed by his conviction and unable to deny his calling, we cautiously agreed to let him go if he and I could raise support and go together.
Please pray for the success of this mission. Many Kenyan churches meet under the shade of a small tree and they are in need of a building to further their ministry. Christian schools are needed as well. Education is one of Kenya’s highest priorities. They know that it is the only hope their children ever have of escaping poverty. This mission is a way to show them the love of Christ.
Yes, this letter is also a plea for money to support this mission. Our church has already set aside $13,500 to build a church and some classrooms for the 2008 trip. The people volunteering for service need to raise their own support for airfare, lodging, meals etc... Please consider sponsoring Michael and I in our quest to Kenya. Below is an example of how much is needed for a successful journey. We are seeking to raise $2,700 each. Please send your donation to First Presbyterian EPC, 234 East St., West Point, MS 39773 in care of Tom and Michael Thompson, Kenya mission. Thank You!
Tom and Michael Thompson
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