Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Flight Schedule
Our new tickets have been booked. Our return date has changed from the 15th to the 16th to save $150 per ticket. The departure date remains the same.
June 30 Jackson/Detroit NW 2979 9:15a-12.31p
Detroit/Amsterdam NW 40 4:04p-5:55a
July 1 Amsterdam/Nairobi KL 565 10:15a-7:10p
July 15 Nairobi/Amsterdam KL 566 10:15p-5:30a
July 16 Amsterdam/Detroit NW 39 8:00a-10:35a
Detroit/Jackson NW 2980 3:10p-4:35p
Tickets are currently $2,208. Like I said before, I think the church
has raised enough money to offset the cost of the increase in the plane
tickets. We have until mid-May to purchase the tickets.
Hope you have a good rest of the week.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Dates changed to June 30 to July 15
We are working on getting tickets for June 30-July 15 so please book
those dates on your calendar.
I've pasted below an article from the BBC that describes the present
situation. It sounds like things are much calmer. I have no doubt
it's God's hand moving in response the the millions of prayers of the
Kenyan Christians and others across the world including you.
We need to continue praying as Condoleeza Rice is there now, and the
political leaders are looking for a way to share power. Please let me know if you have any questions about the trip. I don't know yet when our full payment is due, but will let you know asap. If the tickets are higher since summer is peak season, I think we've
raised enough money to cover the difference. I'll keep everyone
Story from BBC NEWS:
Published: 2008/02/12 09:21:13 GMT
Who are Stu and Linda Ross?

Eastern Africa (focus on Kenya, Sudan, and Ethiopia)
Stu and Linda Ross are The Outreach Foundation’s eastern Africa consultants, based in Kikuyu, Kenya. They are responsible for a wide variety of building projects, including schools, churches and orphanages, as well as managing projects that provide clean, safe drinking water.
A typical pastor in the Presbyterian Church of East Africa (PCEA) serves about six congregations. The church is growing rapidly, and there is a critical shortage of ministers and church buildings in east Africa. Stu and Linda work in close cooperation with the PCEA on all of the construction projects they manage in Kenya. They also arrange for volunteer church groups to come and work on projects that they have helped fund. This gives US churches an opportunity to not only help financially, but also work side-by-side with their Kenyan partners. The Ross' spend about six months in Kenya and six months in the US each year. While in the US, they travel to speak with a number of Presbyterian Church(USA) congregations about their work.
Stu has a degree in chemical engineering and retired from a 28-year career with Novartis Pharmaceutical. Linda, who holds a master's degree in education, retired after 29 years of teaching in Texas.
Stu and Linda are both elders at St. Andrew Presbyterian Church in San Antonio, Texas. They went to Kenya in 1997 after their retirement, where Stu worked as a project manager for the construction of Kikuyu Orthopedic Rehab Center. After the work at the hospital was finished, they began assisting with construction of churches and schools through The Outreach Foundation.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Change in Dates
Northwest Airlines has made an exception to their policy and said that
we can change the dates of our travel without losing our deposit. The
cost of the tickets may go up a little since we'd be traveling during
peak season, but we can cross that bridge when we get to it. I've
talked to Joe Bob, Andrea and Kirsten about possible dates, but would
like to hear from the rest of you about going either July 24-Aug 6 or
Aug 28-Sept 11 (give or take a day or 2). Of course, we will still
have to wait to see what the level of safety is before we purchase
tickets. One good thing about postponing our trip is that we would be
on safari during migration. Let me know what you think....and keep
Friday, February 1, 2008
Trip Postponed
I'm afraid that it's becoming more clear that our trip to Kenya will
have to be postponed. I received an email from Stu today about some
mobs that were seen in the town where we stay. It seems the violence
is continuing. I don't know whether it's escalating, but it's
definitely no better. I am exploring options with our travel agent.
Optimally, I would like Northwest to change our tickets to sometime in
the late summer or early fall and wait until closer to time to pay for
them. This would buy some time to see if the situation will change.
It is not NW's policy to allow these kinds of changes, so please pray
that God will touch the heart of whomever the decision maker is and
allow us to do that. I'm really sad that we're not going in March, but
hopeful that with prayer, God's peace will return. Please continue to
pray for the Kenyans. Most of the people we know who work for Stu are
Kikuyu, and as such may be targets of violence.
In Christ,